Grokking LIME: How can we explain why an image classifier "knows" what’s in a photo without looking inside the model?
Kilian Kluge
Computer Vision, Neural Networks / Deep Learning, Transparency / Interpretability

How can LIME explain machine-learning models without peeking inside? Let's find out!

Make the most of Django
Paolo Melchiorre
Best Practice, Community, Django

🐍 "Make the most of Django" 👉 Taking full advantage of #OpenSource software means getting involved in its #community and #contributing to its development. We'll see how this is profoundly true in the #Django case as well. #pyconde #talk #python

My forecast is better than yours! What does that even mean?
Illia Babounikau
Statistics, Time Series

Established forecast evaluation procedures often turn out to be inappropriate and biased for modern time series forecasting. I will present the number of forecast evaluations issues and resolutions based on the real use cases of demand forecasting developed within BlueYonder.

Slack bots 101: An introduction into slack bot-based workflow automation
Jordi Smit
APIs, DevOps, Use Case

Most developers work with Slack every day, yet very few of them know about the awesome things you can do when you build your own slack bot. During this talk, we will teach you to build and deploy your first slack bot.
