Data Science at Scale with Dask
Richard Pelgrim
APIs, Big Data, Cloud

A hands-on introduction to methods for scaling your data science and machine learning with Dask.

Forget Mono vs. Multi-Repo - Building Centralized Git Workflows with Python
David Melamed
Cloud, Coding / Code-Review, DevOps, Security

No need to reinvent the CI/CD wheel for every service - learn how to build centralized git workflows for all your repos in Python.

Introducing the Dask Active Memory Manager
Guido Imperiale
Algorithms, Architecture, Backend, Cloud, Data Engineering, Distributed Computing, Parallel Programming / Async

The Active Memory Manager is a new experimental feature of Dask which aims to reduce the memory footprint of the cluster, prevent hard to debug out-of-memory issues, and make worker retirement more robust.

It is all about files and HTTP
Efe Öge
APIs, Architecture, Backend, Cloud, DevOps, Django

Managing files won't be easier but more obvious after this talk.
