5 Steps to Speed Up Your Data-Analysis on a Single Core
Jonathan Striebel
Data Engineering, Performance

Your data analysis pipeline works. Nice. Could it be faster? Probably. Do you need to parallelize? Not yet. Discover optimization steps that boost the performance of your data analysis pipeline on a single core, reducing time & costs.

Financial Portfolio Management with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Neural Networks / Deep Learning, Simulation, Time Series


How to Find Your Way Through a Million Lines of Code
Jürgen Gmach
Best Practice

Scared of a new project? @jugmac00 will show you "How to Find Your Way Through a Million Lines of Code"

Making MLOps uncool again
Best Practice, Development Methods, Reproducibility

In this workshop, we will learn what it means and how to build an "MLOps workflow" by extending the power of Git and GitHub with open-source tools.

Performing Content: Can NLP and Deep Learning algorithms predict reader preferences?
Sebastian Cattes
Natural Language Processing, Neural Networks / Deep Learning, Statistics

Can AI understand what drives user engagement? Join our talk "Performing Content: Can NLP and Deep Learning algorithms predict reader preferences?" to find out what NLP can bring to the editorial table.

Practical graph neural networks in Python with TensorFlow and Spektral
Aleksander Molak
Graphs, Neural Networks / Deep Learning

Practical Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) with Spektral & TensorFlow 🤩
