An Introduction to Inter Process Communication and Synchronization using Python
Tanmoy Bandyopadhyay
Algorithms, Coding / Code-Review, Parallel Programming / Async

Use Python Inter Process Communication and Synchronization techniques effectively

Fast native data structures: C/C++ from Python
Stefan Behnel
Big Data, Parallel Programming / Async, Python - PyPy, Cython, Anaconda

Need fast data access in Python? Use native data structures with Cython!

Introducing the Dask Active Memory Manager
Guido Imperiale
Algorithms, Architecture, Backend, Cloud, Data Engineering, Distributed Computing, Parallel Programming / Async

The Active Memory Manager is a new experimental feature of Dask which aims to reduce the memory footprint of the cluster, prevent hard to debug out-of-memory issues, and make worker retirement more robust.

Navigating the limitations of Python’s concurrency model in web services
Tarek Mehrez
APIs, Architecture, Parallel Programming / Async

Ever wondered when you should favor an async web framework? How do they compare to your good old python services when scaling is in question? Then this is the talk for you

Squirrel - Efficient Data Loading for Large-Scale Deep Learning
Dr. Thomas Wollmann
Distributed Computing, Neural Networks / Deep Learning, Parallel Programming / Async

Learn why we built and open sourced a data infrastructure library for deep learning.
