PyData: Jupyter Session List
JupyterLite: Jupyter ❤️ WebAssembly ❤️ Python
Jeremy Tuloup
Jupyter, Reproducibility, Use CaseJupyterLite is a Jupyter distribution that runs entirely in the web browser, backed by in-browser language kernels such as the WebAssembly powered Pyodide kernel. JupyterLite enables data science and interactive computing with the PyData scientific stack, directly in the browser.
Overcoming 5 Hurdles to Using Jupyter Notebooks for Data Science, by the JetBrains Datalore Team
Alena Guzharina
Data Visualization, Jupyter, ReproducibilityOvercoming 5 Hurdles to Using Jupyter Notebooks for Data Science, by the JetBrains @Datalore Team Join our talk to discuss setting up environments, working with data, writing code without IDE support, and sharing results, as well as collaboration and reproducibility.