PyData: Visualization Session List
Easily build interactive plots and apps with hvPlot
Philipp Rudiger, Maxime Liquet
Data Visualization, Jupyter, ScienceDo you use the .plot() API of pandas or xarray? Do you ever wish it was easier to try out different combinations of the parameters in your data-processing pipeline? Follow this tutorial to learn how to easily build interactive plots and apps with hvPlot.
How a simple streamlit dashboard will help to put your machine learning model in production
Daniël Willemsen, Welmoet Verbaan
Best Practice, Data Visualization, Predictive ModellingHave you struggled getting your valuable machine learning model into the hands of users? A simple streamlit monitoring dashboard can help!
Sankey Plots with Python
Daniel Ringler
Data Visualization, Jupyter, Python fundamentalsSankey Plots in Python? Get an introduction on how and when to use them.
Seeing the needle AND the haystack: single-datapoint selection for billion-point datasets
Jean-Luc Stevens
Big Data, Data Visualization, JupyterBuilding simple custom interactive web dashboards that display millions or billions of samples while giving access to each individual sample.
Your data, your insights: creating personal data projects to (re-)own the data you share
Paula Gonzalez Avalos
Data Visualization, Predictive ModellingYour data, your insights: 3 examples to illustrate how we can apply common data science libraries together with data shared via mobile apps or collected manually to build little data visualization projects that provide unique, contextual and intmiate insights.