5 Things we've learned building large APIs with FastAPI
Maarten Huijsmans
APIs, Best Practice

5 the common challenges in building FastAPI apps and how to solve them

But this is an OAuth, is it not?
Sara Jakša
APIs, Backend

OAuth simplified and secured third-party integrations for the end user. But for the developer of the integration, it can still present some friction. This talk talks about examples of real-life problems that were encountered by implementing multiple OAuth integrations.

It is all about files and HTTP
Efe Öge
APIs, Architecture, Backend, Cloud, DevOps, Django

Managing files won't be easier but more obvious after this talk.

Navigating the limitations of Python’s concurrency model in web services
Tarek Mehrez
APIs, Architecture, Parallel Programming / Async

Ever wondered when you should favor an async web framework? How do they compare to your good old python services when scaling is in question? Then this is the talk for you

Web based live visualisation of sensor data
Jannis Lübbe
APIs, Data Visualization, Use Case

Streaming sensor data to multiple end devices using FastAPI and websockets.
