But this is an OAuth, is it not?
Sara Jakša
APIs, Backend

OAuth simplified and secured third-party integrations for the end user. But for the developer of the integration, it can still present some friction. This talk talks about examples of real-life problems that were encountered by implementing multiple OAuth integrations.

Efficient data labelling with weak supervision
Maria Mestre
Data Engineering, Data Visualization, Natural Language Processing

Data labelling should not be a waterfall task. Label your data significantly faster with weak supervision (

JupyterLite: Jupyter ❤️ WebAssembly ❤️ Python
Jeremy Tuloup
Jupyter, Reproducibility, Use Case

JupyterLite is a Jupyter distribution that runs entirely in the web browser, backed by in-browser language kernels such as the WebAssembly powered Pyodide kernel. JupyterLite enables data science and interactive computing with the PyData scientific stack, directly in the browser.

Machine Learning Testing Ecosystem of Python
Yunus Emrah Bulut
Computer Vision, Ethics (Privacy, Fairness,… ), Governance, Natural Language Processing, Neural Networks / Deep Learning, Security

Machine learning testing becomes an indispensable part of the MLOps and Python offers great ecosystem for this purpose.

The state of DevOps for Python projects
Tobias Heintz
Data Engineering, Development Methods, DevOps

How alcemy uses DevOps techniques to streamline and accelerate our daily development. Let's look at a number of real-world examples and best practices taken straight from the pipelines we use to release code several times a day.
